phone. 888.626.9782 | email.
Enjoy an afternoon of networking while hiking the unique terrain or Allaire State Park. Past hiking participants have remarked about how wonderful it was to get out in nature and meet up with fellow acupuncturists to talk about a wide range of things. Join us and meet your colleagues!
Meet up at the green trail head by Allaire Village. The address for the parking lot is 4265 Atlantic Ave, Farmingdale, NJ 07727. No car, no problem! Email us and we will help you coordinate a ride share with a fellow hiker!
This hike is open to members and nonmembers as well as their family members. There is no such things as bad weather…just bad clothing. With that said, in the event that good clothing cannot protect participants from the elements, we will meet at a nearby establishment. Please include your cell phone number on your RSVP so that we can get in touch with you on the day of the event if needed.