Make a Donation

We depend upon the generosity of our members, sponsors, and others to help us fund our work. It takes time and money to manage a membership association, fight for legislative issues at the State level, stay on top of issues regarding our profession, hosts events, and more. If you have been positively impacted by authentic acupuncture practices, please consider contributing to our efforts to educate patients, the public, and policy makers. Donations into this box go directly to the APA general fund and may be tax deductable in limited cirmumstances. Any amount is helpful and appreciated.

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Donation Total: $100.00 One Time

Donate to Our Political Action Committee

It takes time and money to fight for legislative issues at a State level, stay on top of issues regarding our profession, and create relationships with legislators. Please take a moment and help support APA’s PAC today by making a donation. 

Become a Member

Joining your state association supports local, state, and national efforts to present the profession as subject matter experts of acupuncture while improving standards of education, practice, doctorate programs, continuing education, credentialing, and privileging.